Stations of the Cross
The tempest blows up from a squall
Past the Cape of Bad Conscience
Into the Gulf of the Cauldron
Roars over the coastline to batter and flatten
Exposing the roots like the dyed hair of a slattern
Scrapper and mauler in a rope ring this small
Outside the wind is punching
But there’s no one to hear it
No one hears the bell ring
But the one who comes to fear it
And they continue to brawl
He’s buying his way into heaven I suppose
He weeps at the blows
But down in the location that we cannot disclose
He turns the dial slowly
Through the Stations of the Cross
Crowd done up dandy
In diamonds and finery
Baying and howling
All bloodlusty calling
Fists like pistons
Faces like meat spoiling
Haul, boys, haul, bully-boys haul
Later in the evening
Molly and her gunman
Go down the stairs to a dive like a dungeon
Meanwhile in the backroom there's a girl like a sponge
Saying, “Bring him in long as a constable’s truncheon”
The gunman wants Molly to kingdom come
Then blows them all to the hereafter
Who’s scuttling away now and hidden from our view?
Who tightened the tourniquet, turning her blue?
They’re hurling themselves into heaven I suppose
Before the gates are closed
But down in a location that we cannot disclose
They turn the dial slowly
Through the Stations of the Cross
The gale of hale laughter
Scales up the ivory
Black keys of her fine whine descend into the minor
Die away breathless
Diminishing behind her
Haul boys haul, bully-boys haul
The water came up to the eaves
You’d think that someone had opened a valve
It’s too soon to stay now and too late to leave
So spare your remorse all the way up to Calvary
They’re hurling themselves into heaven I suppose
Before the gates are closed
But down in a location that we cannot disclose
They turn the dial slowly
Through the Stations of the Cross

Released on Jan 1, 2010
Published by ℗ Elvis Costello. Under exclusive license to StarCon LLC d/b/a Hear MusicTM