Memphis Flyer: Alex Greene: November 19th 2019. Photo By Brigitte Billeaudeaux
When Elvis Costello and the Imposters took the stage at Graceland last Saturday night, the irony was palpable. As it should be, given that this other Elvis is a songsmith and wordsmith of subtle twists and turns of phrase. The fact that he’s also a dedicated fan and historian of Memphis music only gave the irony a more heartfelt touch. This show was nothing if not soulful.Indeed, when the lights went down and shadows gathered on the stage, the first sounds we heard were exhortations to give our hearts to Jesus and the ecstatic sounds of a genuine gospel band. Then the lights came up and we saw that was all simply a recording, and the band launched into the thundering tom toms of “Strict Time.”
Given that this is the “Just Trust” tour, starting with a track from that LP was not a complete surprise. Nor was the follow-up, “Clubland,” in which the haunts of music scene-makers are cast in a kind of sardonic Cuban son. It’s a tune that allows consummate keyboardist Steve Naive to shine, and shine he did, eclipsing even the glitter laden jacket and hat of Elvis himself.